Baxbier – Van van den Berg- Testimonial

With professional process control you earn euros and a strong image Of the many good breweries in the city of Groningen, Baxbier is one of the most talked about. Van van den Berg is the head brewer here. As a collaboration partner in the development of Beer-o-Meter, he is one of the first customers and […]

Beerze – Ivo Kaanen – Testimonial


The Beer-o-Meter has become an essential part of our brewing process, and I can confidently say it has helped us achieve a level of quality we aimed for. Before we started using it, we felt that we were missing a lot of data, which impacted our daily operations. Since incorporating the Beer-o-Meter, we’ve been able […]

Brouwerij Martinus – Testimonial

maximus 2

There comes a time, when you, as a brewer, realize it’s no longer just about having fun brewing your own high-quality beers, but that you’re actually running a business. And for serious business brewers, batch inconsistency is a bitch. We felt that if our flagship beers didn’t taste the same every time, we’d lose our […]
